M – Mad as a Hatter, – Job related

Hatters in the 18th and 19th centuries, used a toxic substance, mercury nitrate in the making of felted hats. Milliners are makers of ladies’ hats in particular, but hatters might have made felted hats for women as well as for men. Felt can be made from the fur or wool of many creatures and the mercury compound helped in the process by making the fibres more robust and easier to stick together by felting. Originally, felters had used camels’ urine for a similar purpose although as the trade grew further afield from camel lands, they substituted their own piss. Then a hatmaker who made particularly fine felt was discovered to have been taking mercury for the treatment of syphilis and the compound found its way into his work via his urine.

Hatters started to use mercury nitrate directly in their work – the compound is bright orange and the process became known as carrroting or secretage, perhaps because it was a trade secret. At this stage, the mercury nitrate was not so harmful, but once the felting has produced a fabric, it must be shaped to a mould of the hat shape with steaming and more rubbing (felting). The fumes were very poisonous and hatters developed tremors and other symptoms of mercury poisoning. It is for this reason that mercury barometers are banned in case firemen should inhale the fumes during a fire. Eventually, the process was outlawed and Mad Hatters became a thing of the past, of perhaps the most colourful and well-known forms of occupational hazard.

One of the most famous Mad Hatters, is the one who appears in Lewis Carrol’s “Alice in Wonderland” under the name of “Hatta”, and having grown up in Oxford, where Charles Dodgson had written as Lewis Carrol, and with Tenniel’s amazing illustrations, the hatter was imprinted on my brain from an early age…

A more recent and equally tragic incidence of mercury poisoning is depicted in the film “Minamata” in which Johnny Depp plays a “Life Magazine photo journalist, Eugene Smith, persuaded to photograph the victims of the disease as a result of a nearby factory polluting the sea and poisoning the fish eaten by the local people. The terrible contortions to affected bodies go far beyond the madness of hatters, a moving watch…

The languages from the Wikipedia article on Cant, are today:-

L – The Two Meanings of LOL, Lady Godiva and Use Your Head – more Rhyming Slang and Text Abbreviations…

In my first blogging experience which was with a small blog called Mo’time, I suffered an embarrassing faux pas. I say small for although the site had some 10,000 registered members, the active core was probably smaller than the number participating in the A to Z this year. Mercifully, somebody pointed out that I seemed to be misusing the abbreviation LOL which I had grown up thinking of as meaning Lots of Love and consequently, on many sad posts, I had apparently been Laughing  Out Loud… I sometimes have to check with my grandchildren on the latest abbreviations in order to avoid future social accidents IMHO (In my humble opinion), this demonstrates the problem with texts, which are in any case a condensed form of communication compared an email or letter and it has been found that people are very erratic in interpreting the emotional tone of texts – perhaps because of their brevity. Apparently, this is what emoticons were invented to solve LOL replaced with a manic face, cocked to one side and spurting floods of laughter tears from both eyes. I am told by people whose young children grew up in the age of emoticons, that their offspring can have an entire conversation using only emoticons – perhaps this should be added to the Wikipedia list of Cant language that have become a feature of Blog this year!

LOL Surprise – part of a cartoon brand…

Time for a few more Cockney rhyming slang examples Lady Godiva – Fiver (a five pound note) although the cognoscenti probably abbreviate it  further – “That’ll be a Lady mate!” You see! Those pesky abbreviations again. Yesterday we had brown bread for “dead” but a Loaf of Bread means your head – as in “Come on Son – use your loaf!” (Just think about it Son!)

Lady Godiva by John Collier, c. 1897, in the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry.

Other L’s from Cockney rhyming slang include “Light and Dark”Park, “Lion’s Lair” the armchair where the head of the house might take a nap of a Sunday afternoon and woe betide anyone who wakes him up… “Loop the Loop”soup.

We have five examples of “L” Cant languages from the excellent Wikipedia article on the subject

K – Kick the Bucket, bucket list, Know the ropes…


Here is another phrase whose meaning is well understood as a slang phrase for “to die”, but whose origins are severally disputed. There are two main contenders, firstly, when a man was to be hanged in an improvised fashion, he may have been stood upon an inverted bucket whilst the noose was drawn tight, whence the bucket was kicked away and the unfortunate victim left dangling. The second idea comes from the name of a beam from which animals are hung by the back feet whilst being slaughtered – thought to come from the French word trébuchet or buque, meaning “balance”. The animal might spasm whilst dying and thus kick the bucket. It seems unlikely to me that with the weight of the animal pulling down on the legs suspended from the beam, these legs could kick the beam or bucket, however, since some animals were killed by cutting their throats and draining the blood into a bucket below, this is much more likely to be knocked over by a death spasm from the poor beast.

Support for the first explanation comes from William Shakespeare (him again) who used the word in this sense in his play Henry IV Part II where Falstaff says:

Swifter than he that gibbets on the Brewers Bucket.” — William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part II*

Other contenders include the sometimes Roman Catholic practice of placing a bucket of holy water at the feet of a deceased person so that those paying their respects could sprinkle a little of it on the corpse. Another suggestion is that a human being might also spasm at the moment of death by way of stretching out to full length and thus kicking over a bucket that might happen to be at their feet, whilst yet another theory is that goats might be particularly prone to kicking over the bucket of milk that has just been drawn from them.

So take your pick as to the origin of “kicking the bucket” but one thing which is more certain is that the ubiquity of the phrase has given rise to another – Bucket List – a list of things to do before you die! This in turn gave rise to the film title “Things To Do in Denver Before You Die”.

I have a Retrospective bucket list which contains, as far as I can remember and not necessarily in this order:-

  • Sailing around the world (by ship not sailing a yaught)
  • Designing and converting an old stable into a house and our home
  • Completing a novel
  • Finding the love of my life
  • Painting my masterpiece mural (now sadly gone)
  • Taking my part in raising a step-family
  • Completing the A to Z Challenge 3 times already

And then there is a list of things I will almost certainly not now achieve before I die (Not a Hope List):-

  • Fathering a child of my own
  • Surfing
  • Climbing or even walking up another mountain
  • Making a fortune and distributing it to charity

And my current Bucket List might include:-

  • Going on a sea cruise to see the Northern (or Southern) Lights
  • Owning a boat be it ever so humble
  • Holding great-grandchildren
  • Publishing a novel
  • Meeting some of the friends I have made online in the real world
  • Visiting my Sister in Nova Scotia and other relatives in the US
  • Holding an exhibition of paintings -mostly still to be painted…

Know the Ropes…

There can’t be many of us who have not instructed a colleague to show a newcomer the ropes, or have been ourselves, shown the ropes, but I hazard a guess that few of us remember, each time we hear or use this expression, that it it is yet another one from the sailor’s lexicon despite how obvious that should be to see! Below is another picture from a treasured book from my father, who used to be a keen sailor until he got married.

A new apprentice sailor bemused by the complexity of the rigging (ropes) from “Sailing Round Cape Horn” by Gunther T. Schultz – an artist’s record of the last days of commercial sailing ships. 1954 – London – Hodder & Stoughton

And penultimately, as part of what has become an unexpected extra to this year’s challenge, another Cant language link from Wikipedia. But before that, since there has been a lot of death in this post so the Cockney rhyming slang for dead is “brown bread”.

J – Jiggered – Euphemisms

Jiggered is a slightly old-fashioned term meaning tired out, but at least one dictionary suspects that the origin of this word is aa a euphemism for buggered. It is a common thing in many languages, countries and societies, to imagine that by changing one or in this case, two letters, you can turn a downright dirty expletive into a socially acceptable exclamation. I lived in Ireland, where the robust four-letter Anglo-Saxon swear word (meaning copulation), is bowdlerised into the word “Feck!” which perfectly respectable people deem okay to say.

Bowdlerisation is named after the English physician Thomas Bowdler (1754–1825). In 1818 he published a censored version of William Shakespeare (The Family Shakespeare), expurgating “those words and expressions […] which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family.”1

We shall encounter this phenomenon again when we come to words of a religious bent  – but not until the letter Z (spoiler alert – for Zounds).

So “J “was another difficult letter to find a word or phrase for but it is the last one for which I have not found multiple candidates so hurry on but come back tomorrow…

However, we do have four examples of Cant (cryptolect, argot, pseudo-language, anti-language or secret language) from Wikipedia

I – In the doldrums, Idler, In the Offing.

In the Doldrums is not just a positional term for sailors, but a very particular place not just in the Atlantic, but stretching around the world at the Equator – The Inter-Tropical  Convergence Zone – ITCZ or “Itch”. If you want to see the technical explanation see this excellent site. It is a region that all sailing ships passing from North to South (or vice versa) on the world’s oceans, could not avoid passing through. The air could be completely devoid of wind or the winds could be light and “flukey” (wandering in all directions) though equally, unexpected storms might release or deposit you in the doldrums. Because of the calm nature of the doldrums (mostly), great mats of Sargassum weed accumulate as an added hazard thereabouts so the doldrums are sometimes referred to as The Sargasso Sea.

Being trapped for long in the doldrums was a ship’s Captains nightmare, let alone ship-owners and cargo-owners and for the crew, being trapped under an equatorial sun with no cooling breeze and the water rations diminishing by the day – well you can scarcely imagine…

Below is a drawing of a ship fortunate to have found a light wind to take it out of the doldrums…

A ship sailing in very light winds from “Sailing Round Cape Horn” by Gunther t. Schultz – an artist’s record of the last days of commercial sailing ships. 1954 – London – Hodder & Stoughton

Idlers are yet another nautical term but with a counterintuitive meaning. Far from being lazy, idlers were those members of a ship’s crew whose work took place during the daytime and so were usually excused from working on the night watch – unless it was an emergency and “All hands on deck!” was called. So carpenters, sailmakers, cooks, and cabin boys were all idlers

In the Offing – means a ship is within sight of port – many ports have a tower from which approaching ships can be sighted and the relevant people summoned to greet her shortly. A “Widow’s Walk” is an architectural term for a balcony at or above roof level where in the days of sailing ships, wives (sea “widows”), would watch for the return of their spouses – what a sad occupation…

A widow’s walk on a home overlooking Marblehead Harbor in Marblehead, Massachusetts.

We have two Cant examples for the letter “I”, from Wikipedia today…

H – He hath eaten me out of house and home – Shakespeare

Not a hard one to figure out – if a guest is rapacious enough in their appetite and consumes everything in the pantry, then one is eaten out of the house and home and forced to go out for more supplies – hopefully having evicted the house-guest. H proved a difficult letter to find suitable phrases for, but with this one, we get the chance to consider the many phrases whose origins are ascribed to the great William Shakespeare – this particular phrase comes from Henry IV, Part 2, Act 2 Scene 1. As I said under apple of my eye, another phrase ascribed to the Bard, I cannot but help wondering, sacrilegious as it may be, whether Shakespeare originated all these phrases or was simply the first to commit them to paper. The Shakespeare’s Birthplace Trust have no doubts though and have a webpage called Shakespeare’s Phrases which cites the phrase and the play in which it appears  – make up your own minds…

Here are a few:-

“The clothes make the man” Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3

“The be all and end all” Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 7

“Wild goose chase” Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 4

“Brave New World” The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1.

The last one gives an example of how one phrase has been propagated – Aldous Huxley, surely a man well-educated in the Classics and Shakespeare, used “Brave New World” as the title of one of his own masterpieces which has in turn become a shortcut in any article describing utopian/dystopian paradigms but for all our familiarity with the phrase now, was it in common usage since Shakespeare and before Huxley or only a quote known to the cognoscenti, the literate class? Just as we have already encountered phrases which have multiple theories as to their origins, theories which multiply faster than rabbits in the warren of the World Wide Web (how’s that for a mixed metaphor!) – so with Shakespearean phrases, only by searching all written material and all recorded word, and counting all the occurrences could we truly know the answer…

The Clothes Make the Man – Photo by Taha on Unsplash

Lastly, we have only one “H” Cant language example from Wikipedia‘s excellent article on the subject… Hijra Farsi, from South Asia, used by the hijra and kothi subcultures (traditional indigenous approximate analogues to LGBT subcultures)

G – Greenlit, Get someone’s goat – Get there with the olives -Spanish at end of meal –Surviving historical anachronisms

Greenlit or giving something the green light, barely scrapes into this theme since you would think that it’s not so hard to figure out – after all the traffic-lighting system has spread even further than the road traffic indicators with which we are all only too familiar. The reason it has made it into the blog is that it is not road, but railway signals that originated the coloured signalling.

Today greenlit has a special resonance with the movie industry since movies have so many hurdles to jump before they are greenlit to go ahead but green-lighting is used for all sorts of projects in many industries.

The coloured lights, at least the red and green, moved over to road traffic lights fairly smoothly, although it took a while for universal agreement on the Amber warning phase. (See here)

Get Someone’s Goat

Unlike greenlit, the origins of this phrase are not at all obvious! One might imagine from the current usage – To Make Someone Angry- that this refers to the natural consequence of the theft of a goat however the true origin is more bizarre – although it still involves the theft of hapless goats.    Goats are said to have a calming effect on horses and race horses are notoriously high-strung, so owners might put a companionable goat in the stall of a racehorse on the night before a race. Naturally, if a rival stole the goat and the horse was consequentially over-frisky, the owner would be very angry…

These are Greek not Spanish olives, taken by myself in 2020

Get There with the Olives

Sometimes, olives are served at the end of a Spanish meal and so someone who “get’s there with the olives” is arriving very late!

Lastly – the links to Cant “G” languages courtesy of Wikipedia

F – Flash in the pan, Full of Beans – False Flag –  Historical anachronisms and who might be a Friend of Dorothy…

Flash in the Pan is another phrase with two possible meanings both of which are plausible and might even have, like branches of evolution, have come about independently – or perhaps one was in use and was adapted to fit the other…

Firstly – the meaning that we have today and which is indisputable – something which begins promisingly but disappointingly, comes to nothing.

The probable, earliest origin of flash in the pan, is from the days of flintlock pistols when both pistols as well as cannons, had a small hollow called the “pan” which was primed with a little gunpowder after the pistol (or cannon) have been loaded. Later cannons had flintlock mechanisms similar to pistols which did away with slow matches in the case of cannons. In the centre of the pan was a tiny hole connecting to the main charge of gunpowder within the weapon. When the gunpowder in the pan ignited successfully, the fire would be forced down through the hole to ignite the main charge and fire the weapon but, necessarily, the hole was tiny or else the main charge could blow up through the hole and fail to expel the ball or cannonball not to mention the risk of injuring the person firing the weapon! So unfortunately, sometimes, the gunpowder might ignite (the flash) but fail to drive the flame down into the weapon to ignite the main charge which might not just be disappointing, but also fatal if you were facing an enemy who was more successfully armed…

So if this expression had already survived the passing of the flintlock, and was a byword for disappointment, then it was perfect to describe the feelings of the gold miner who, upon seeing a flash in his gold pan, was disappointed not to find a piece of gold after all. Perhaps this usage is what tided the expression over from the days of flintlocks through to the present day…

Full of Beans is from the days when horses were to transport, what motor vehicles are today. And like motor vehicles, there were a variety of fuels that offered various levels of performance. At the bottom there were grass or straw-fed horses, at the next level a horse fed on oats could perform better and at the top level a horse that was full of beans would be positively frisky and ready to go!

False Flag or False Flag Actions are usually associated with the days of wooden ship warfare and a rule of combat that said it was permissible to fly a false flag identifying yourself as a ship of another nation provided – as long as you ran up your own flag (showed your true colours) before the action started. Imagine, how vital it was to correctly identify whether an approaching ship was friend or foe and yet this curious, mannered rule of combat, offered a means of legitimate deception.

The phrase continued beyond the days of wooden ships right up to the present day when radar, radio and transponders have rendered identification by flag obsolete. So the meaning in today’s world is that one side in a dispute makes it appear that the other side has done something against the rules of war – of course, both historically and currently, the whole idea of false flag actions depends on the idea of both sides obeying, or appearing to obey, the rules of war. In the current war in Ukraine, Russia has claimed that some destruction of civilian targets in Ukraine was actually performed by Ukrainian troops in an effort to smear Russia’s reputation. It has become more and more apparent that Russia has no regard for the rules of war and their false flag actions are part of their propaganda and disinformation campaigns to try and persuade Western countries not to support Ukraine and to bamboozle the Russian people to keep on supporting their leader.

However, the concept of False Flags goes back as far as the bible! The Bible speaks of false flags, or deceptions, by false prophets that will be used against believers in the days before Christ’s second coming (see Matt. 24:11) so perhaps the concept of false flag actions as being a moral part of the rules of war has biblical precedent.

Judy Garland as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

Are you a Friend of Dorothy?

Here we are in the realm of secret signs – to ask someone “Are you a friend of Dorothy?” you are enquiring about someone’s sexual orientation in a way that will not cause offence if you are completely mistaken, and will mean nothing to others who might overhear – False Flag action if you like… Where does it come from?

It is probably a reference to Dorothy Gale – she of The Wizard of Oz fame and who was played by Judy Garland, one of the archetypal gay icons. There was a series of Oz books and it is the second one into which many queer themes have been read. I am still getting accustomed to the rehabilitation of, and reclaiming by gay people, of the word queer, because when I was growing up, it was a very pejorative term but I am beginning to see that it is difficult to find a better word for many aspects of the LGBTQ world and in particular, the references in “The Road to Oz – book two in the Oz series. There is the character Polychrome, who says “You have some queer friends, Dorothy”, and she replies, “The queerness doesn’t matter, so long as they’re friends.”. When Dorothy asks Scarecrow which way to go on the yellow-brick road he says, “Of course, some people go both ways” which is presumably a reference to bi-sexuality. You can find a fuller account here on Wikipedia and for a good exploration of what constitutes a gay icon here. To summarize though, a gay icon does not necessarily have to be gay themselves, or even of the same sex as their gay fan base – Judy Garland had a devoted fan base of homosexual men and she illustrates one of the oft-defining aspects of a gay icon – she had an unhappy life, constantly married the wrong men, struggles with drugs and alcohol, and difficulties as a woman in a male-run business – all struggles with which many gay men and women identify with. Additionally, gay icons may have a camp aspect, intentionally or not, and are often supportive of the LGBTQ community – Judy Garland’s love for her gay fan base was reciprocal.

The ”N” word has been reclaimed by some people of colour, but I would not, nor should anyone else use it, however “queer” is not only an eponymous self-identifying term, as in LGBTQ, but has a long history as a word to describe people and behaviours, so I guess I will use it with its newly rehabilitated status

“Are you a friend of Dorothy” is not exactly a secret language – we will come to that later in the month, but it is a code – a secret communication – one which has become less used in those countries lucky enough to have legalised homosexuality and LGBTQ rights have generally liberalised. I wonder whether in less fortunate countries, they have the same phrase or one less predicated on Western and in particular, Hollywood culture…

I read an article that is very challenging regarding the language around and including LGBTQ in The Weekly Dish by Andrew Sullivan – you may agree or disagree with him but he is thought-provoking… [P.S. 21st May. In a further and excellent article by Andrew Sullivan, he delineates clearly the division between Queer and Homosexual and how the former have captured the narrative and what the consequences of that are – I may have to post about it…]

Finally, another couple of examples of Cant languages from Wikipedia,

E – Early Hours – flowers, Early Doors, and The Elephant in the Room…

Though similar sounding, Early Hours and Early Doors, are quite different in origin. The first is another example of Cockney rhyming slang whilst the other, though now associated with football commentary, has an earlier origin.

Although theatres no longer practice the Early Doors system, the phrase was popularised in football commentary and much like Back to Square One, has achieved a universality in the wider world. From this excellent blog on word origins – “Why footballers, commentators and fans say ‘early doors’, when ’early’ or ‘early on’ would work just as well is probably due to Big Ron, otherwise Ron Atkinson, a well-known television football commentator, a former player and manager now regarded as one of the characters of the sport.” However, in the wider world, Early Doors has indeed become a favourite elaboration on ‘early on’.

Early Hours is rhyming slang for flowers and is a clever reference to the fact that the flower markets in London opened very early in the morning to allow the fragile blooms to reach the shops in peak conditions. Early Doors, on the other hand, goes back to the Nineteenth Century theatres and music halls in London who came up with the idea of charging a premium for patrons to go into the theatre and select their own best positions in the unreserved areas. This is seen in modern days in paying a premium fare to board a plane at the front of the queue rather than experiencing the general scrimmage.

So now we come to “The Elephant in the Room”

We all come to know the meaning of this expression at some point in our lives because it is a frequently used simile for people ignoring refusing to acknowledge the most obvious thing in a given situation, just as an elephant in the room would be hard to ignore. The origin of the expression is less well known but is from an 1814 short story by Ivan Krylov – a poet and fabulist ( a composer or teller of fables), called “The Inquisitive Man”. A man who has just visited a museum runs into a friend and is effusive about the wonders of nature he has just seen, and he enumerates them. His friend, who is obviously familiar with the museum, says to him “but did you see the elephant? (…) I’ll be bound you felt as if you were looking at a mountain.” But the first man has failed to notice the elephant – absorbed as he was with the smaller exhibits – embarrassed, he begs his friend not to tell anyone that he had failed to notice the elephant in the room.

A fable, as opposed to a mere story, consciously tries to tell us something with a special or enlightening meaning and I am sure that Ivan Krylov would be proud to know that his short story has given us a phrase which has no equivalent for its simplicity and memorability. We may talk of Occam’s Razor, or that which is Staring Us in the Face, but the Elephant in the Room wins hands down!

Lastly, today’s example of Cant (see the letter C post for an explanation or go to Wikipedia) is Engsh, from Kenya.

D – In Deep Water (Out of your Depth), Dead in the water, Doozy!

There are many phrases used by sailors to describe the position of ships that also, often denote relative degrees of safety or jeopardy and In Deep Water is one of them. Given that the most dangerous things that can happen to a ship are those that happen close to the shore (land) you might imagine that In Deep Water might be a safe place to be but this expression means that, in the event of the ship sinking, there is no possibility of salvaging anything. After all, in extremis, one option to save the ship, or at least its crew and perhaps cargo, would be to run the ship aground or “beach” it, but if you are in deep water off, say, a rocky cliff, then beaching is not an option…. Other positional terms include In Deep Water has changed its meaning to be almost synonymous with Out of Your Depth,(when you are swimming and can no longer touch the bottom and thus stand)but “in deep water” still somehow retains the menace of destruction eg. “The boss wants to see you – you’re in deep water!”

Which segues nicely into “Dead in the Water” – a phrase that refers not to dead people but dead ships. Certainly, in a naval ship was dead in the water it would mean that it’s masts and spars and very likely it’s steering had been shot to pieces by cannon fire and that the ship cannot move with the wind and thus cannot manoeuvre – it is a sitting duck and any crew still standing are likewise vulnerable. However dead in the water could be applied to a ship which is completely becalmed but we shall return to that with the letter “I”.

A word I used in a reply to somebody made the post today because I had no idea where it originates – Doozy. I first encountered it in a short story by Kurt Vonnegut Junior, one of my favourite writers and it seems that Doozy is an American term. In the story, the government has determined that intelligence must be equal amongst all men – and since the lowest levels cannot be raised easily, those with high IQs must be brought down a peg or two (another one I will have to look up!) and so the husband of an unremarkable wife, intelligence wise, receives regular electric shocks to the brain, eliciting the sympathetic response from his wife “You poor love – I can tell that one was a doozy!” The word stuck in my brain and I began to use it, however, because of the context of the story, I assumed it to refer to very bad things. In fact, it means “The very best of its kind” whether that thing is good or bad. This site suggests the meaning is a corruption of Daisy which was used especially in the late 1800s as a slang term for someone or something considered the best. I’ll buy that…

There are no Cant languages beginning with “D” “in the Wikipedia article.