Cookery Apples – as an ingredient, and Analogues of Meat… Give us our daily bread.. Dates, Dehydrators and the Death of Globalism… Eggs, Aquafaba and Equipment Fish and Freezers on the road to less meat… Ginger and Grow Your Own… Idaho Potatoes, Ice Cream and Inventiveness… Kimchi, Kefir, Kombucha and Killing it in the Kitchen… Mangos, Miso and Mirowaves… Nuts and “Nature” Naming… Olives, and Overeating… Persimmons, Pulses and Pressure Cookers… Rhubarb and the Return of Mercantilism… Sesame, Steamers and Supply Chains… Tofu, Tomatoes and Type 2 Diabetes… Xigua and Xouba… Yoghurt and Self-Preservation… Zucchini, Spiralising, and Eating Flowers… U – Under the Weather, – Upper case / Lower case, – Umble pie… 6 Degrees of Separation – Kitchen Confidential Signature Dishes – a Lyric Essay Hominy and other processed grains habituating Healthfood Shops… Love Like Food