If you have seen my Theme Reveal for the A2Z Challenge 2022, then you will know that I am writing about becoming Vegetarian gradually as a response to the crisis in food supply chains sparked by the pandemic and made worse by the WAR in Ukraine. As well, I am keeping to the theme I originally planned of food which can be eaten in its own right as well as becoming an ingredient in other dishes…

Ginger is, along with garlic, the base ingredient of South asian cooking just as olive oil and tomatoes might be said to be the base of say Mediterranean cuisine. It nearly doesn’t qualify for this year’s theme, but you can eat ginger in it’s own right – albeit candied or crystalised. As an ingredient it comes in many forms fresh (for that savory cooking base), dried and ground (think – sprinkled on melon), pureed for the lazy, and the aforementioned sweet stuff can be used in all sorts of desserts – Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble (or jam). Ginger is so ubiquitously available around the world, that if global supply lines are forced to prioritise, I sincerely hope that Ginger will be a top priority.
The other part of this post is about Growing You Own – be it a garden or an allotment, in the WAR that we all find ourselves in, with food prices rising, we can remember the British World War 2 exhortation to Dig for Victory – or at least, dig to save your bank balance!
Unfortunately, unless you live in the tropics, you cannot grow ginger outside, all year around but this site tells you how to manage it between indoor and outdoors… Back in 1968 when I was 14, we visited Australia and in the holiday between the two terms we were there, we did a 4000 mile round-trip by car, and we visited what claimed to be the largest ginger plantation in the southern hemisphere at Bundaberg. Decades later, courtesy of globalisation, I can buy Bundaberg Ginger Beer here in England! I once talked to a sales rep. for Stones Ginger Wine about the difficulty of extending this warming drink beyond it’s traditional Christmas slot when it is often consumed in the form of a WhiskyMac. I mentioned the Australian connection but he said that they had to be careful of that because ginger wine is sold in six-packs of “tinnies” in Australia and often represents young Australians first experience of drinking. (Confirmation please from any Australians reading this?) I believe in California, the same slot is filled by Thunderbird Wine (made from pears?).
My partner and I have had an allotment for some three years now and have brought it back from a weed-strewn wasteland to a productive neatness and pride forces me to show it you!

Recipe wise I have one tip today – when making jam with rhubarb – a favourite from our allotment – try and pick early, thin stalks – they are tender and less acid. Now, instead of chopping and boiling the fruit before you add the sugar, as you do for most fruit, chopt the stalks into 1/4 inch lengths, weigh and put into a bowl. Add an equal weight of sugar poured over the fruit but not mixed and cover overnight. the next day you will find the sugar will have pulled a lot of juice out of the fruit, leaving it tougher when you gently bring the jam to the boil – in other words it doesn’t all go to a mush, as rhubarg is prone to. And do try it with ginger added – to your own taste of course…
Growing your own food is so soothing. I must try it some time
GINGER is my all time fav. Helped thru out covid.. people developed a gigner craziness
I still use it in my tea everyday.
Good day – Dropping by from A to Z – https://afshan-shaik.blogspot.com/
Hi Afshan
This is your third visit for which I thank you, every year it is a joy of the A2Z Challenge to make new friends – Namaste…
I love ginger. My favourite is ginger cake – have a wonderful recipe my mum handed down to me, but it is also wonderful fresh in so much cooking. It give such a wonderful zing. Keep meaning to try making ginger beer too.
Rhubarb is a favourite of my husband and my father.
I am afraid I have the black thumb of death when it comes to growing things – they just die. I leave that to others. 🤣
Tasha’s Thinkings: YouTube – What They Don’t Tell You (and free fiction)
So have you got a captive gardener – your husband perhaps? Do you have a garden where you live?
Yes! Ginger Cake – I really should have mentioned that – care to share your recipe or is it a closely guarded secret?
I have grown ginger in a small pot and it grew very well. I must admit, I planted it hoping it would flower.. that did not happen though. Growing our own vegetables can be immensely rewarding and satsifying! Good luck with the AtoZ!
Ginger Jam! Must look up a recipe! My boyfriend brought home a huge bag of fresh ginger (he is a produce clerk and they were tossing it), I was wondering what to do with it.
I attempted crystalized ginger one time and did not go well (and WAY too much work).
Are you aware of the trick of removing the skin on fresh ginger by rubbing it with the back of a knife? Learned that one recently.
Rhubarb and Ginger is one of those classic combinations and I have tried making it with crystallised, glacé, ground and fresh ginger – all of which work but differently. My father was as enthusiastic a jam and preserve maker as my mother and a blackberrying outing was an Autumn family fixture. Sadly, I am obliged to avoid eating jam as more than an occasional treat, so whilst I still enjoy making it, I must give it away rather than suffer temptation…