Le Pho

Le Pho (1907 – 2001) Jeune fille au chat blanc, ink and gouache on silk

I see an artist on the cusp of a wave risen up as the artistic traditions of East and West meet headlong in the art of a young Vietnamese artist in the early part of the 20th Century. Painted on silk, an Oriental tradition if ever there was one, that composition of the “Jeune fille” (titled in the language of the French imperialists) displays a synthesis of two quite different traditions of representation, colouration and style. The young woman is represented as almost but not quite making it into three dimensions, the thinnest of outlines on the left-hand side of her face and the strong framing of her hair to the right, work to flatten her face almost in the manner of an icon from the much earlier period of Western art even though the shading of her cheeks lean towards a western three-dimensionality. The table too betrays an Eastern style of perspective, or rather lack of it – showing a near-round disk as if we are looking down on it instead of across it to the girl who leans upon its far side insouciantly smoking a cigarette in a long holder which places the picture squarely in the mid 20’s. The objects on the table are all thus displayed at equal size – a printed book of Chinese pictograms, a traditional ink block and rubbing dish and some artfully displayed blooms in a shallow bowl. The colours are stronger than in traditional Eastern art and yet the face of the young woman evokes both Chinese art and Western paintings of the period with a very direct and frank intimacy – only emphasised by the white cat casually enfolded in the crook of her arm its tail perhaps trapped beneath that arm. This portrait is of a modern young woman, who is at ease with the artist but is somehow caught on the cusp of change both for her and the artist…

a new age beckons
pulling the young artist out
of Eastern art traditions

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Melissa Lemay in Poetics invites us to be inspired by the work of LePho – an early 20th-century Vietnamese artist and to write Ekphrastically to a theme from the following, women, flowers, landscapes or family. I have chosen to write a Haibun for this prompt.

Curved Air


My taste in music is eclectic
but there is some music which
locates my roots as such
with fusion rock & classical electric
screaming guitar solos
and no small touch
of sexy female vocals
singing of “Back Street Luv”
to 60’s Pop it was emetic
Prog Rock group Curved Air
their singer fresh from being in “Hair”
pulls me back to teenage years
and this, though compilations
may be infra dig,this is the sound
and album cover that I love
not least because I’ve flown
in just such an one and
might have seen in heavens above
A Rainbow in Curved Air
from which this band
derived their name.

© Andrew Wilson, 2024

Over at dVerse Poets Pub,  Mish in Poetics invites us to pick a favourite album cover and write an Ekphrastic poem…

This album by Curved Air was released during a twenty-year quiet period for the band and I love it because it is a great compilation that has blasted from my car speakers on many a drive but also because, in the 1970’s, I flew in a De Haviland Tiger Moth biplane as featured on the album cover – what’s not to like. If you are unlucky enough not to know the meaning of Prog Rock – you could do worse than jump into this album – volume as high as your speakers can immerse you…

2024 Poetry Postcard Cento

In the heat and lack of rain
crow voices around
in a pond of questions
transient geese
possessing nothing
“I’m nobody
Who are you?”
“Who’s watching who doing what?”
“Is there freedom
in losing a memory?”
– This is where I come from…

Signalling who
you would like to meet.
“Excuse me” he cries,
asks me “Why
I’ve not done more?”
Turned, looked, then moved on
– the dominance
of our arrogance
I escaped barely – always
wanting more from my life

Whispers in the twilight
“Choice is gone…”
I’m drowning
not at all what we expected
as if reminders
– somewhere along there,
our words got lost
“Innocent, unlike us!”
never had I read such crap!

Violent metaphor –
it will fade like memories
nobody keeps or cares much
– pour over the gutters
of my soul
on a river of air
I peek through the dark…
it’s a tall order, carrying
this payload of freedom.

Fall will not be far behind
– some say one day we’ll

The Poetry Postcard Fest is a challenge which encourages poets to write an unedited poem on a postcard and send it to a stranger. It is organised by the Cascadia Poetics Lab, which arranges the participants into lists of 31 + yourself for you to address your offerings to. This was my second year and I was on List 10 and to date, I have received 22 postcard poems plus 9 bonus poems due to being on the Non- US List.

This Cento poem is made up of line(s) from every postcard I received from Group 10 plus Bonus cards

Poetry Postcard Fest Follow Up Post 2024 #15

Dear Melody

I felt. I felt it unencumbent on me
to explore AI. so I could see
what all the fuss was about.
I duly sought some pointers on the Internet
then jumped right in to experiment
and have to say – took to it like a duck to water!
To get the image just as you want it
clear instructions, you must formulate
when writing your Midjourney prompt,
even the order of instructions – best
before AI. goes off. and does the rest
But then again, keeping it simple
a single word – an abstract image
may deliver for your waiting. page
as in this image. – The prompt was
– Poetry…

Much Love

This last year, both I and many poets I know (in the Internet sense as opposed to the real world or the biblical), have started illustrating their work using AI images whose results are sometimes so stunning as to distract from the poems being illustrated. So are we shooting ourselves in the foot, gilding the lily…

The Poetry Postcard Fest is a challenge which encourages poets to write an unedited poem on a postcard and send it to a stranger. It is organised by the Cascadia Poetics Lab, which arranges the participants into lists of 31 + yourself for you to address your offerings to. This was my second year and I was on List 10. The lists are sent out in early July and you have until the end of August to send out your poetic missives – to date I have received 21 of 31 possibles and now that we are into September, it is allowable to share the cards and poems you sent.
Although the original poem is to be sent as written – crossings out, blots and all, I have typed them out for people who can’t read my writing and I am allowing myself to edit if I feel like it…