2024 Poetry Postcard Cento

In the heat and lack of rain
crow voices around
in a pond of questions
transient geese
possessing nothing
“I’m nobody
Who are you?”
“Who’s watching who doing what?”
“Is there freedom
in losing a memory?”
– This is where I come from…

Signalling who
you would like to meet.
“Excuse me” he cries,
asks me “Why
I’ve not done more?”
Turned, looked, then moved on
– the dominance
of our arrogance
I escaped barely – always
wanting more from my life

Whispers in the twilight
“Choice is gone…”
I’m drowning
not at all what we expected
as if reminders
– somewhere along there,
our words got lost
“Innocent, unlike us!”
never had I read such crap!

Violent metaphor –
it will fade like memories
nobody keeps or cares much
– pour over the gutters
of my soul
on a river of air
I peek through the dark…
it’s a tall order, carrying
this payload of freedom.

Fall will not be far behind
– some say one day we’ll

The Poetry Postcard Fest is a challenge which encourages poets to write an unedited poem on a postcard and send it to a stranger. It is organised by the Cascadia Poetics Lab, which arranges the participants into lists of 31 + yourself for you to address your offerings to. This was my second year and I was on List 10 and to date, I have received 22 postcard poems plus 9 bonus poems due to being on the Non- US List.

This Cento poem is made up of line(s) from every postcard I received from Group 10 plus Bonus cards