Last year, I had only discovered the A2Z 2020 Challenge on the first of April – the start day and had to wing it with the theme of the unfolding Covid 19 Pandemic. This year I had had time to think about it in advance and made it not just a 26 day blogging challenge, but a 26 day novel completing challenge…
I confess, I already had a novel on the go that had languished for more of the 15 years since its inception than not. Whilst still actively thinking and very occasionally writing a bit of the first novel – darting hither and thither within its structure, the second novel – “Train Wreck” – has been a start at the beginning and work through in order affair. Still, there has been a lot of time when life got in the way of writing and so I decided to try and complete it with the impetus of the 2021 Challenge.
To comply with the A to Z part of the Challenge, I invented an aspect of my novel’s world(s) each day– for it is a science-fiction in a thriller format – the Train Wreck is a whodunnit! But I then I published a chapter a day – luckily I had a headstart of twelve. Did I succeed – nowhere near! However, I did get another chapter finished and the bits I explored in the blog piueces very much helped to clarify certain ideas.
So here is a list of links to the AtoZ 2021 Challenge posts plus another couple of chapters which I have subsequently finished. I took some liberties with the alphabetical order of posts in order to match certain blog posts with certain chapters, so here in the posted order…
A is for Arctane
B is for Books – but not as we know them…
E is for Eden and the Euphrates
F is for Fiction (Science amongst others)
G is for Gravity Well and Greening the desert
D is for Doppelgänger
H is for Hawaii – Owhyhee
C is for Cryptography
I is for Information…
J is for Jack Gulliver…
K is for Knowledge…
L is for Language (in SciFi)…
M is for Music in Science Fiction…
N is for Naming of Parts…
O is for Oil in Science Fiction…
P is for Politics, politics and the Pan Human Federation…
Q is for Questions – Dear Reader…
R is for Rockets, Ram Jets, and Re-usability…
S is for Scandinavia, Sex and Social Workers…
T is for Terrorism…
U is for Utopias…
V is for Virus and other Lurgys in SciFi…
W is for Word-count in SciFi…
X is for Xenobiology – stranger than Science Fiction…
Y is for Youthful Idealism…
Z is for Zeppelin flyers of the future…
Reflections on the A2Z Challenge 2021
Reviews of Other AtoZ 2021 Challenge blogs…
A Mini Review…
Posts I wouldn’t normally visit…
Roadtrip One – A2Z Challenge 2021
Road Trip 2 A2Z Challenge 2021…
Roadtrip 4 AtoZ 2021 Challenge
Additional Chapters of “Train Wreck”
Chapter 14 – Gervald’s Story (updated)
Chapter 15 – On the Road Again…