If you have been following this blog’s A2Z Challenge then you will know that I have been trying to finish a novel, “Train Wreck”, and publishing a chapter below each post – at least until day 15 when I ran out of completed chapters – there is another one in progress – but if you have been following the novel and would like to receive the balance of the chapters – let me know in a comment. Meanwhile, some thoughts on a subject that plays a very small part in “Train Wreck”.

The image above is the nearest I could find to the dream-vision I had that launched the writing of my novel (work-in-progress) “Train Wreck”. Nearest in the sense that it is an explosion on a train in the desert although in my case it takes place on another planet onboard a MagLev train whilst this image is from David Lean’s classic film “Lawrence of Arabia”.
In my book, terrorism is discounted by official sources and the public are told the explosion was due to a gas bottle malfunction. Privately though, government investigators remain mystified by the explosion which they determine to have been a bomb and yet no claim of responsibility has been made and no motive can be imagined…
We do come to learn the motive – not terrorism – but the whodunnit forms the narrative trajectory of the book. Still, I have a few thoughts on the subject of terrorism…

I suppose I first became aware of the phenomena of terrorism during the 60’s and 70’s when the hijacking of airliners – mostly by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)- was a regular occurrence. I remember wondering at the time, why airplanes? If I was a terrorist and wanted to create terror, I would blow up elictricity substations, unguarded and too many to protect, plunging random residential areas into darkness and striking at the heart of a target people rather than some remote group of travellers. (I was not as dangerous a teenager as this may suggest…) The answer to why airpanes was, I suppose, because they guaranteed publicity worldwide. International airflight was still relatively new and glamourous so trains would definitely have been infra dig as a target.
As a result of these activities, the PFLP and later factions such as the PLO, attached the word terrorism to the Palestinian people as if they were the prototypical terrorists – a fiction unceasingly re-enforced by Israeli propaganda. For let us not forget, that if the Palestinians got the idea that terrorism might get you what you wanted, they learned it from the Zionist gangs that commited atrocities such as the bombing of the King David Hotel in which 91 people of various nationalities were killed. The hotel was the headquarters of the British administration and the members of the Irgun right-wing zionist gang infiltrated the hotel dressed as Arab (Palestinian Arab) workers. If that isn’t ironic I don’t know what is… The attack took place in the run up to the unilateral declaration of the state of Israel which has continued, against its own declared constitution, to steal the land from Palestinian Arabs.
There is a maxim “One man’s Terrorist is another’s Freedom Fighter!” and although terrorism is the underdog’s tool in the assymetric warfare of liberation, the converse statement must be true of government. “One man’s Legitimate Government is another man’s Illegitimate Occupying Force!”
Terrorism was elevated during the latter part of the 20th and into the 21st Century, by the rise of Islamic suicide bombers, recruited by shadowy manipulators who would never put themselves in harm’s way and promising a quick ticket to Paradise to idealistic (mostly) young Moslems. Suicide bombers are not a new phenomena and have in the past been state sponsored – think Japanese Kamikase pilots but the suicide vest allied with the mechanisms for recruiting and grooming suicide bombers in “support of Islam” has reached new levels. Whilst my adolescent musings were of a terrorism that hurt nobody (directly anyway), the latest form of suicide terrorism are designed to cause maximum carnage indiscriminately.
Does Terrorism work? In the UK, the toies, led by Margaret Thatcher, despite vowing not to talk to terrorists (the IRA in Northern Ireland), were forced to do so once the bombing campaign reached mainland Britain and in particular, the bombing of The Arndale Shopping Centre, Manchester in 1996. The government then entered into secret negotiations( influenced by Jermy Corbyn’s more nuanced approach to the IRA) which eventually led to the Good Friday Agreement. Presumably insurance companies put their feet down and said enogh is enough – negtiate or we will not insure commercial properties. Commercial Unoin itself, lost all its windows in the Baltic Exchange bombing. So yes – terrorism can achieve results if applied to the right pessure point.
Arguably, bringing war, (so often inflicted by the US on countries around the world), in the form of 9/11 to american soil, did not work to make the US question why such an act might have occured and applied more of the same by launching yet more wars in the Middle East which continue to this day, justifying and feeding the military industrial complex.
Israel continues to mislead and brainwash its children into thinking that Palestinian Arabs are the agressors rather than the Zionist project – “truth is the first casualty in war” and I ask you – in Israel, who are the real terrorists?
A big part of the third part of my trilogy deals with terrorism and war. It is that old adage – one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Does it work? Sometimes, but usually at a heavy, heavy cost.