Je ne regrette rien – negated…

I don’t want to live forever
but I haven’t had my fill yet
of seeing how things turn out…

I don’t agree with John Betjeman
saying “I wish I had had more sex
but I wish I may have
many more connections…

I won’t know till it happens
whether fear of the present
and future or just plain
tiredness will mark the point
where I am ready to let go…

I know I would have more
on my retrospective bucket list
than many people, though others
might have done still more but
it’s never enough – I don’t want
more money except to do more…

I don’t agree with Edith Piaf
– I’ve done things I wish I hadn’t
lost touch with people I shouldn’t have
had questions I never thought to ask
activities I never tried – heights, sights
and strangers that will never now take
my breath away, it’s too late for some things…

Je ne regrette rien

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Björn Rudberg (brudberg) in Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft, invites us to use Negation – outlining something by saying what it is not…


“Newly found Ella Fitzgerald recording to be released”
The Guardian 18 January 2025

Lost – languished
her spin muffled
Ella rediscovered
a wondrous
moment of truth
– released
to watch girls’

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Punam – paeansunplugged in Poetics, urges us to celebrate reading broadsheet Newspapers by making an erasure or cutout poem …

The Light of Democracy

Artwork by Andrew Wilson using Midjourney – feel free to reproduce…

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime” said British Foreign Secretary Earl Grey on the eve of the First World War which became a two-act drama with an interval – thirty-three years, lives lost in millions – upward of seventy-five… And now wars rage around the world again – Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan, and Myanmar to name a few, and Fascists reign in Russia, India, China, Hungary and Israel with further aspirant fascists waiting in the wings of the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. America has fallen in it’s own two part drama with interval, stage directions by Russia, technical directions by the Tech-bros…
“where can we find light in this never-ending shade?*”
Democrats must rebuild Democracy, their namesake, with acts of community and kindness from the grassroots up and relight the lamps…

* From Amanda Gorman, “The Hill We Climb”

Andrew Wilson, 2025
Over at dVerse Poets Pub, merrildsmith in Prosery invites us to write a piece of prose in under 144 words using the given line from Amanda Gorman, “The Hill We Climb”


The Pallisades fire seen on KTLA5

It needn’t be tinder, this juncture of the year” Conor O’Callaghan – January Drought

         I – Hand-wringing…

Tinseltown they called it
The Hollywood sign above it
On mountain and canyons covered
With scrub like gasoline tinder
Rich palaces of dreams rendered
To which many young locusts aspired
But Santa Ana winds have burned
Those houses to naught but ash
Chimneys only gravestones to the cash
Will Angelinos now have learned
Money, for Nature is no match
Challenge it and there’s a catch
Will L.A. be a lesson to us all
That Damocles’ sword’s about to fall…

         II – Thunderbolt slinging…

“Come friendly bombs and rain on Slough”
Quipped English Poet Laureate
Enough with all this rational debate
No one heeds “We the People” now
Let Mar-a-Lago flooded be
With Trump inside preferably
Let insurance baulk at rebuilding
The Palace-ades of rich and famous
And let’s see what Trump really does
When Global Warming’s truly a thing
So unlike wise old King Canute
The science is no longer moot
And yes, for sure we all will suffer
Till Nature trumps the monstrous duffer…

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub,  Laura Bloomsbury in Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft invites us to write a Palinode in which two verses take contrary views and around a quotation relating to the New Year. I chose the Conor O’Callaghan one which seems almost prescient to the L.A. fires that are occurring so early in the New Year…

Adornment of a Butterfly

Meadow Argus / Photographed in Solomon Islands / Michael Sammut

Adornment to attract an amour
Sets of eyes bigger than a bird’s belly
To scare off avian appetites
And what sex is this butterfly beauty
Flamboyant female like those of our species
Or Cock of the Walk like most birds do
Or did a Creationist God get carried away
With his paintbrush in an inspired moment…

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Melissa Lemay in Poetics celebrates the photographs of Michael Sammut and invites us to write ekphrastcally using one of his photos for inspiration…


Over at dVerse Poets Pub, msjadeli in Haibun Monday, invites us to write a Burnt Haibun, a reductive poetry form that distils a longer prose poem down to a shorter one and finally to Haiku. The emboldened words below form the second poem and likewise with the second one distilled down to the haiku.

It would have been nice, given the New Year ‘n all, not to have to have written this particular piece but sadly there is no end in sight and awareness needs to be kept alive… Trying to understand/explain the conflict which this poem describes has been both an internal and external journey for me over many years and when I finally found the accounts of the term Hasbara – everything fell into place and I understood a great deal…

However – a Happy New Year to everyone at the pub!


It is hard to translate Hasbara
once it would have been called Propaganda
but for the truly unpalatable
you need a subtler, more insidious word
so hasbara, nearly enough
means explaining

You want to explain
why one people are entitled to
take the land of another people
who have lived there for
two thousand years
– hasbara
why two peoples genetically identical
are not in fact equal
paint one of them as evil with hasbara
you want to justify how large farms
can suck the water from the wells
of smaller neighbours don’t mention it
that’s no part of hasbara
but happy, sun-bronzed people
claiming their homeland with confidence
that’s hasbara.

The world attacked us
and they attacked us first
we have the right to defend ourselves
they are evilwe are good

Hasbara treads carefully
hasbara paints a picture
hasbara targets the diaspora
and the politicians where they live
hasbara accumulates
in the brains of its targets
in the corners of the internet
and on the pages of newspapers
hasbara makes lies palatable
but hasbara cannot paper over
too big a crack between
reality and the lies
genocide is too big to hide
but hasbara breeds hubris
and overreach
and years of hasbara
can deflate instantly
like a burst balloon

Explain that to the
purveyors of Hasbara

once called Propaganda
a subtler, more insidious word
means explaining

why take the land of people
who lived there for
two thousand years
why genetically identical
are not equal
– paint them as evil – hasbara
happy, sun-bronzed people
claiming their homeland
that’s hasbara.

The world  attacked us first
we have the right
they are evil – we are good
treads carefully
paints a picture
targets the diaspora
and politicians
in brains
the internet
on pages of newspapers
hasbara makes lies palatable
but genocide is too big to hide
hasbara breeds hubris
years of hasbara
like a burst balloon

Explain that to the
purveyors of Hasbara…

Hasbara explaining
they are evil – we are good
a burst balloon

Andrew Wilson, 2025