For my third year of the A2Z Challenge, I am reverting to one of my passions in life – Food! Two years ago, I only discovered the challenge on April 1st, the day the challenge started, so I had no time to prepare and plunged into the effects of the burgeoning pandemic. Last year, I decided to try and finish a novel and write around its theme – I didn’t finish it within the month but it gave me enough impetus to have finished it since and if any of you readers from last year want to read it – please let me know and I will send you a pdf.

The aspect of food I was going to tackle is ‘Foods that can be used as an Ingredient’ – so for example, Apples can be eaten in their own right as well as being an ingredient in other dishes. Tumeric cannot really be eaten on its own so it doesn’t make the list… There will be recipes of mine, links to other peoples’ recipes and odd food facts.
However, the world finds itself in a crisis due to the war in Ukraine and so I am going to add substantially to this theme – shades of the 2020 challenge when Covid was on the rise… Here are two things to consider -Ukraine is seventh in the league of worldwide wheat producers (but not for the next year). 50% of the Wheat imported into Germany, is fed to Pigs – it takes 7kg of wheat to create 1kg of pork. Imagine the price hikes coming down the line, from the price of wheat ‘feeding’ through to the price of pork (and other meats). What better time to consider choosing to eat more vegetarian meals. Note that I didn’t suggest becoming vegetarian, but at least increasing the amount of meat-free meals. There are other reasons for considering this, principally the Environment – less land use to grow all that food for animal feeds, less farting animals contributing methane to greenhouse gasses (methane is worse than CO2), less expensive, refrigerated transport of meat around the world. More grain for everyone around the world – poor countries in Africa will be hard hit by Ukraine being unable to plant this year, and not just wheat…
I have had in mind, for a long time, writing a book to be called ‘The Gradual Vegetarian…” I imagined a family where the progressive (probably) females in the house desired to go vegetarian for all the good reasons – ethical, environmental, health – and the (probably) males are resistant to the change. So the book would be vegetarian by stealth – gradually introducing recipes that give the lie to the idea that vegetarian food is bland and boring. Also, you don’t want to rush out and buy lots of new equipment and ingredients before you’re sure the change will take, so the idea of a book that gradually introduces vegetarian recipes, equipment, and ingredients, always seemed a good one to me and I am going to inject it into this year’s challenge…
There will be some jam recipes and so as a ‘taster’, I give my generalised method below, little wrinkles may appear with further recipes…
Making jam is simple, you need fruit and sugar in equal parts plus jam jars…
Making jam is simple, you need fruit and sugar in equal parts plus jam jars. Almost all jam jars these days can be recycled because they have a silicone seal inside the lid edge so you don’t need to mess about with acetate covers, rubber bands and waxed disks – unless you want to!
- Weigh the fruit so you know how much sugar to add.
- Cook the fruit in a large saucepan – some fruit needs chopping into small bits.
- When the fruit is mushed down, add the sugar and stir till dissolved and bring to a roiling boil.
- Take a spoonful of jam out and put in the fridge till cold, if you can draw your finger through the cooled jam and it wrinkles, you have a set – if not repeat until you do.
- Meanwhile boil a kettle, stand the jars and their lids on a newspaper and fill both to the brim with boiling water.
- Once you have a set, carefully empty the jars and lids and use a heatproof jug to pour the jam into the jars. Immediately screw the lids on tight. It’s good to have a couple of smaller jars in case there is some left over.
- As the jars cool down, you should hear a pop as the vacuum forms and sucks the lids in – then your jam is properly sealed and will keep forever! This whole process can take as little as half an hour…
I am trying to write as many as possible in advance so that I can spend more time reading other bloggers’ posts, connect with old friends and make new ones. I have had to come out of semi-retirement and go back to four days a week as the company I work for (Gelato and Puddings) – is moving to a larger factory so it is all hands on deck! But by April, I hope the worst will be over and I can put the effort in here…
There is a hard-working team behind the scenes of the A to Z Challenge and this year, Jeremy, the graphic designer responsible for all the badges and banners, sadly passed away, so the badge below is to honour him…

This theme sounds great! I love food! (Haha)
I went “pescatarian” in high school (mostly to annoy my parents, methinks) and stayed that way for many years. Until bacon. And that Chinese Green Bean dish with pork bits in it. And…
I finally admitted to my mom I ate meat when I was craving her meatloaf. Shock and awe ensued.
Thanks for joining my unofficial A-Z link party! I will add you to my blog roll.
Hi Anne – good to see all the usual suspects! Doing the Food as Ingredient and the Vegetarian thing has doubled my writing load but I blame Putin…
Looking forward to your contributions…
BTW, I confess to only skimming this earlier and totally missed that this was YOU. And also missed your Basic Jam recipe. Doh! I’m an avid jam maker. I usually add pectin and freeze, vs cooking. Unless it’s marmalade.
LOVE the book idea! Do it! (Maybe you can get it started during A-Z 2023?)
Great theme!
I’m not vegetairan, but I have indeed progressively limited the amount of meat I eat in the last few years. While I think its not good to deny our nature as omnivorous animals, I also think there’s no harm – and there are actually a lot of advantages – in giving more space to the plant-based part of our nutrition.
Can’t wait to read your challenge 🙂
The Old Shelter – Theme Reveal – Enter the New Woman
Thanks for looking in Sara- I will definitely be reading your posts as ever!
We’re all vegetarian in this house. Mummy says she’s been vegetarian for nearly 40 years. I’ve been vegetarian all my life, but then, I’m a guinea pig. We’re blogging about our favourite things this year, so, lots of food! Maybe we’ll pick the same thing on some letters!
Good luck!
Hi Gang
Lets hope your favourite foods don’t become to expensive following the Ukrainian war…
Thanks for visiting…
What a great theme Andrew – I’m definitely looking forward to your posts. You had me grinning at your idea for a “vegetarian by stealth” book – I hope it comes to pass. Congratulations on having finished your novel! The challenge really is a wonderful thing on so many levels, isn’t it?
Thanks for visiting Deborah – it’s so good to see old friends yet looking through some of my favourite blogs, I see they haven’t signed up for the theme reveal as yet – shame – the party just starts earlier here!
Hi Andrew, great to read your 2022 theme! I will not be in the challenge this year, the life is too busy for me right now. But I will visit as often as I can 😉 Have fun!