
Landscapes were always my preserve
lying in my third-hand bath each night
the water clouded by soap
opaque as certain seas
I raised my knees to tower over
the fjord of water between my legs
I didn’t have my later geographer’s
vocabulary of fjords, rias and alps
the drowned and the truncated
alps – shoulders bulldozed by the ice
flanked by hanging valleys
pouring high waterfalls into space
but what’s in a name
I conjured the landscape anyway
Trapped in bed, off school for weeks
bronchitis, chronic
my dappled woolen blanket
(whatever became of that favourite)
also stood in for the freedom to explore.
Raising my knees again
from foothills to mountains at will
and sometimes with toys to hand
I marshalled my ill-assorted troops
into commanding positions
directing wars in my lap
with my fevered bed-bound brain
Before there was watercolour
before there was travel
before I could drive or even ride a bike
Landscapes were always my preserve…

Posted for  lillian in Poetics over on dVerse Poets Pub who set the challenge of taking you on a walk – well not exactly a walk but…

© Andrew Wilson, 2023

Cast in Gold…

Halfway between Charmouth and Lyme Regis
the tumbled rocks
from the crumbling cliffs above
bring to a close the beach
that you follow
eyes down searching
from Charmouth
they mark the point beyond which
you will be cut off by a rising tide
and face a choice between
pressing on to Lyme Regis
or struggling back over the hump
of sticky Liassic blue-grey clay
and braving falling rocks
to regain the beach.

Though we did not know it as such
back then
this is the so-called Jurassic Coast
one of them at least
because the rocks curve up
through the country
like a spine with scoliosis
to emerge again in Yorkshire
with its counterclaim to
tourists seeking fossils
and imagining a dinosaur-infested past.

But Charmouth was made famous for fossils
by Mary Anning, a glorious amateur
who walked this beach every day
especially after winter storms
threw down hidden treasures
from the cliffs. Mary found
the first complete Ichthyosaur
and too, found fame
clawing it from begrudging
academics of the day.

But back to the rocks
midway along the route
from tiny Charmouth
to bustling Lyme Regis
once graced by royalty.
These rocks entrap in sheltered pockets
miraculous casts of eons dead shells
the gold of iron pyrites
fools gold gleaming
in the dross of sand
and tiny pebbles

Find them if you can
before the next storm
crashes into the rocks
and sweeps the treasure
out to sea.

It was my mother
on childhood holidays
eschewing the search for
larger, showier fossils
despite the joy of splitting rocks
thwacking them just so
with her specially purchased
geologist’s hammer
she settled down
to search among the rocks
and finding the tiny, perfect
overlooked treasures.

The last time I went there
seeking out this secret trove
hoping against hope
that I remembered still
where X marked the spot
this secret trove
which most people pass by
in their search for bigger things
I was summoned away for half-an-hour
whilst a scene for “Ammonite”
about the life of Mary Anning
was filmed a few feet from
my treasure seeking
and when, months later
I watched the finished film
I recognised my absent self
just out of shot.

I have been on that beach
my whole life
just out of shot
in my mind’s eye
a treasured memory
of times past
fossilised in fools gold.

© Andrew Wilson, 2023

It’s Time to Divorce the Car…

It’s time to divorce the car!
The car is killing the planet

Cars and ships and planes too
Busses and  bikes are healthier alternatives

The health of the planet needs us to be healthier
You can’t walk away from this but you should walk more

Walk, cycle, car-share if you must, help yourself to help the planet
The time for tinkering with changing lightbulbs is in the rear-view mirror

A rear-view mirror magnifies the causes of global warming
but now is the time to look forward and act decisively

It is not just governments that need to act but you!
Changing your relationship with your car will be hard

The solutions are multifaceted but
For you, it’s simply time to divorce the car!

Generated in Midjourney

© Andrew Wilson, 2023
Responding to Björn Rudberg (brudberg) in Meeting the Bar: over at dVerse Poets Pub

Driving Between Lives…

For two-point-five days
I still live in the world of work

Driving in the mornings to
morning radio news and views

Listening not for bon mots
to repeat and seem wise

I am ready to engage with the world
of money, power and office politics

I do though, love a good debate
armed with the latest  news prompts

Driving home I am immersed
in music snatched from the TV by an app

Songs of life and love and death
wash away work except for the human bits

Softened by music I anticipate
my partner’s day, hoping for the best…

© Andrew Wilson, 2023
Responding to merrildsmith in Poetics over at the dVerse Poets Pub prompting on the theme of transitions.

Rain! My love…

Gustav Klimt. Golden Rain, Danaë (1907)

Zeus raped, as rain so golden
A maiden
Climactic floods ravish the plain
In Spain
Whilst others crave rain from above
Like love

Rain will not send forth a white dove
Become like a fickle mistress
Leaving her lover in distress
A maiden in Spain likes love…

Written for Laura Bloomsbury’s prompt in dVerse Poets Pub:-

So today being the 10th day our poetry is to be crafted in the style of the Spanish Ovillejo which comprises 10 lines broken into two sub stanzas thus:

  • first stanza is composed of six lines
  • three rhyming couplets
  • the rhyme scheme is aabbcc
  • 8/3 syllables per couplet
  • each couplet is a question/answer or echo
  • second stanza is composed of four lines
  • rhyme scheme cddc
  • 6-8 syllables for the three lines* (I’ve seen a range of syllables used).
  • the final line combines lines 2, 4, and 6 together.

© Andrew Wilson, 2023