As Spring draws her veil of greening…
As Spring draws her veil of greening
Across the winter bare landscape
Hiding the naked trees as her
Veil cloaks her virginal body
Buds waiting for the gentle touch
As spring draws her veil of greening
The trees turning to subtle mauve
In eager anticipation
April showers have quickened the
Rising sap that swells the tree pulse
As Spring draws her veil of greening
And May sunshine smiles down on her
In a scant week the tints of mauves
Are lost to each tree’s special shade.
Confetti of blossom sprinkled
As Spring draws her veil of greening.
© Andrew Wilson, 2023
This Quatern poem is written in response to dVerse ~ Poets Pub, 25th May 2023, posted by Grace, Poetry Form: Quatern
Image derived using Midjourney AI
I love the way it changes… but soon it is all summer green, and all those shades are lost.
It is my favourite week of the year…
Thanks for visiting!
My favorite season! I love this part of your quatern:
Confetti of blossom sprinkled
As Spring draws her veil of greening.
Thanks for joining in.
Thank you for visiting – I will definitely be propping up the bar in the future…