A mini review of some of the blogs I didn’t manage to visit during the April month of the A2z Challenge…
Sue’s Trifles gives me a problem -as a Humanist who is atheist, I am not usually interested in sites that base their theme around issues pertaining to belief in God but fortunately, Sue has included links to all the years she has participated and whilst 2021’s theme is about Words of Biblical Significance, in previous years she has written about Musical Instruments, Jobs, Physical Space and Rhyme whilst for those of a religious persuasion, Sue has also covered Names of God and the Bible. So plenty for everyone…

In Content Creative by C.E. Flores, the theme this year was Women Writers many of whom were helped by the blog’s author, to promote their books. C.E. Flores gives very good advice on self-publishing and how to then promote your work. This was of particular interest to me as my challenge – unsuccessful – was to finish a book that may well end up going down that route, so I will definitely be back…
This, That and the Other is the kind of site I love and you had me at the title! The pseudonymous author Fandango is a prolific blogger as the email links in my inbox will attest, there are serious posts, flash- fiction and various challenges besides the A2Z. A septuagenarian, self-confessedly cantankerous at times, the main point is that the writing is cogent and entertaining – I thoroughly recommend…
Are you on the Road Trip – what gems have you found?