I like to read out loud
to turn tiny marks
regimented on the page
from text to sound
filtered through eyes that read
brain to comprehend
a mouth that shapes my voice.
Poetry or prose the
writer laid words down
wrapped round meanings
all their own but
which we readers too
may catch and breathe
out into space between
mouth and ear
reader and listener.
Even reading aloud alone
brings out meaning, makes it clear
and once peeled from the page
I sit and let the words hang there…
© Andrew Wilson, 2024

Tonight, our host over at dVerse Poets Pub is lillian in Poetics who, feeling nostalgic on the occasion of her 8th anniversary hosting at the bar, has resurrected for the third time, an ekphrastic prompt provided by the artist Catrin Welz-Stein. Catrin has enjoyed providing the inspiration for the pub-goers twice before and enjoys the interaction. I picked one of the four pictures which Catrin kindly allowed us to use…