S is for Scandinavia, Sex and Social Workers…

If you have been following this blog’s A2Z Challenge then you will know that I have been trying to finish a novel, “Train Wreck”, and publishing a chapter below each post – at least until day 15 when I ran out of completed chapters – there is another one in progress – but if you have been following the novel and would like to receive the balance of the chapters – let me know in a comment. Meanwhile – this post explores some myths about the supposed utopian society of Scandinavia…

When I was a teenager, there was rumour that Scandinavian women were hot! In fact the words Sex and Swedish were almost synonymous, at least as far as women and certainly by contrast to us allegedly uptight British men… 

In recent decades, another myth has done the rounds, that Scandinavian countries were all exemplary utopian societies. Okay so the tax was high but then so were the wages and the social welfare net unprecedented. More recently, this myth has proved to be just that – a myth and newspapers will have to search elsewhere for the next big meme. You can read a quite amusing article on the subject here or an article on why America’s left might be unwise to embrace the idea of Scaninavian utopianism with aspects of Swedish society best forgotten, forced sterilisation of 63,000 people who might have physically or mentally deficient offspring. I will not repeat all the arguments in these two typical articles seeking to revise our view of Finnish, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian society but here are a few random facts:- 

  • Danes claim to be a happy people but are second only to Iceland in consuming anti-depressants
  • In Norway, September 2013, the rightwing, anti-Islamist Progress party – of which the mass shooter Anders Breivik had been an active member for many years – won 16.3% of the vote in the general election
  • Norwegians boast of using only renewable energy sources but their wealth comes from selling fossil fuels to the rest of us. (subject of the excellent Scandi drama “Occupied”)
  • Women in Nordic nations deal with high levels of rape and abuse even as the countries lead in gender equality
I think that two issues are raised here, why did we so want to hear about the supposedly utopian Scandinavians with their Hygge and secondly, why is there a gap between the myth and the reality. One thing is about us and the other is about them…

Taking the point about the Scandinavians first, and reading between the lines of several articles, some things happen because governments devise them in top down programmes such as high tax to pay for high social security and other things come from the grassroots up. In a book called “Made in Sweden: how the Swedes are not nearly so egalitarian, tolerant, hospitable or cozy as they would like to (have you) think”, Elisabeth Åsbrink, an acclaimed Swedish journalist writes “Sweden has a very strong self-image of being a good country,” Asbrink said. “It’s in the tradition of Sweden to put itself forth as a moral role model.” and later in the book, “As soon as welfare is based on all citizens contributing,” Asbrink writes, “those who are not considered contributors become a problem.” Hence the enforced sterilisations and anti-immigrant attitudes. Hygge, it seems is a residue from traditional values that don’t stand up when the people are threatened by new influences from new people.

Before you think I am swinging too far the other way and painting the Scandinavians too noir, (and Scandi noir has given us some great dramas – why are we so fascinated with gruesome crime?) – no! They are just human like the rest of us! It seems that human nature allows us to befriend strangers from other places as individuals whilst simultaneously feeling threatened on a group, welfare or cultural level. To pay high taxes for a great social welfare net but not then be so willing to share it. Margaret Meade, the anthropologist, said that rather than the burying of dead, she saw the beginning of civilisation as being when we see evidence of healed broken-bones – evidence that we not only had time and resources plus the knowledge of how to set bones, but the will to support a fallen comrade. (The story of this quote is told here and here) This would appear to be an issue which is always in the balance in human nature depending perhaps, on the availability of resources…

So why did we want to believe in the myths about Scandinavia? Perhaps it is human nature to think that the grass must be greener somewhere and so all us uptight English boys, lacking as we did, either the, climate or the  surf-culture of Beachboys California, fantasised about embracing the nearly in reach,uninhibited, blonde, Swedish sex-goddesses and later in life we wanted to embrace the supposed values of Hygge as we sat surrounded by our not always soft and cuddly IKEA furniture. There is indeed a post-modern irony in the Swedish “death thrash” band naming itself “Bleeding Utopia” (pictured above).

“Train Wreck” is about a Utopian experiment on a planet where a completely fresh start with a handpicked population are not threatened by mass immigration or poverty and their society has been carefully structured in cantons equating to the earliest tribal size of mankind – a size at which everyone knows everyone else in each community and – so it is thought – policemen are therefore not necessary. But can you root out and socially structure away, the worst aspects of human nature? The private demons of greed, envy, hubris and the things that cause dysfunction such as sexual abuse? Hawaii 2 may or may not need policemen but it may well need Social Workers… Our central character, Jack Gulliver is like someone who accepted at face value, all the myths about Scandinavia of the last decade, and is now travelling through the less palatable circles of existence on Hawaii 2 with his guide Stig. Where will it lead and who planted the bomb on the train and killed Jack’s wife…?