A poor Irishwoman
grey shawl over her head
crimson madder petticoat
be sure she came from Galway
limped along tired and footsore
a very tall, handsome woman
Walked beside Tom
asked where he lived
he never met such a
pleasant spoken woman
Asked whether he said his prayers
sad when told he knew no prayers to say
© Andrew Wilson, 2023

This is a found poem with words derived from The Water-Babies by Charles Kingsley. The title – Evolution, is because Kingsley was a naturalist around the exciting time when the work of Wallage and Darwin were revolutionising the worlds of science, geology and biology and there will be found poems that reference this aspect of the tale. But so far, the finding of poems has been more like the method for refining poems since Kingsley writes very lyrical passages anyway…
The image is derived in Midjourney.
This series was inspired by my friend Misky over at It’s Still Life who has been producing a series of Found Poems…