It’s time to divorce the car!
The car is killing the planet
Cars and ships and planes too
Busses and bikes are healthier alternatives
The health of the planet needs us to be healthier
You can’t walk away from this but you should walk more
Walk, cycle, car-share if you must, help yourself to help the planet
The time for tinkering with changing lightbulbs is in the rear-view mirror
A rear-view mirror magnifies the causes of global warming
but now is the time to look forward and act decisively
It is not just governments that need to act but you!
Changing your relationship with your car will be hard
The solutions are multifaceted but
For you, it’s simply time to divorce the car!

© Andrew Wilson, 2023
Responding to Björn Rudberg (brudberg) in Meeting the Bar: over at dVerse Poets Pub…