Je ne regrette rien – negated…

I don’t want to live forever
but I haven’t had my fill yet
of seeing how things turn out…

I don’t agree with John Betjeman
saying “I wish I had had more sex
but I wish I may have
many more connections…

I won’t know till it happens
whether fear of the present
and future or just plain
tiredness will mark the point
where I am ready to let go…

I know I would have more
on my retrospective bucket list
than many people, though others
might have done still more but
it’s never enough – I don’t want
more money except to do more…

I don’t agree with Edith Piaf
– I’ve done things I wish I hadn’t
lost touch with people I shouldn’t have
had questions I never thought to ask
activities I never tried – heights, sights
and strangers that will never now take
my breath away, it’s too late for some things…

Je ne regrette rien

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Björn Rudberg (brudberg) in Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft, invites us to use Negation – outlining something by saying what it is not…


“Newly found Ella Fitzgerald recording to be released”
The Guardian 18 January 2025

Lost – languished
her spin muffled
Ella rediscovered
a wondrous
moment of truth
– released
to watch girls’

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Punam – paeansunplugged in Poetics, urges us to celebrate reading broadsheet Newspapers by making an erasure or cutout poem …

The Light of Democracy

Artwork by Andrew Wilson using Midjourney – feel free to reproduce…

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime” said British Foreign Secretary Earl Grey on the eve of the First World War which became a two-act drama with an interval – thirty-three years, lives lost in millions – upward of seventy-five… And now wars rage around the world again – Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan, and Myanmar to name a few, and Fascists reign in Russia, India, China, Hungary and Israel with further aspirant fascists waiting in the wings of the UK, France, Germany, and Italy. America has fallen in it’s own two part drama with interval, stage directions by Russia, technical directions by the Tech-bros…
“where can we find light in this never-ending shade?*”
Democrats must rebuild Democracy, their namesake, with acts of community and kindness from the grassroots up and relight the lamps…

* From Amanda Gorman, “The Hill We Climb”

Andrew Wilson, 2025
Over at dVerse Poets Pub, merrildsmith in Prosery invites us to write a piece of prose in under 144 words using the given line from Amanda Gorman, “The Hill We Climb”


The Pallisades fire seen on KTLA5

It needn’t be tinder, this juncture of the year” Conor O’Callaghan – January Drought

         I – Hand-wringing…

Tinseltown they called it
The Hollywood sign above it
On mountain and canyons covered
With scrub like gasoline tinder
Rich palaces of dreams rendered
To which many young locusts aspired
But Santa Ana winds have burned
Those houses to naught but ash
Chimneys only gravestones to the cash
Will Angelinos now have learned
Money, for Nature is no match
Challenge it and there’s a catch
Will L.A. be a lesson to us all
That Damocles’ sword’s about to fall…

         II – Thunderbolt slinging…

“Come friendly bombs and rain on Slough”
Quipped English Poet Laureate
Enough with all this rational debate
No one heeds “We the People” now
Let Mar-a-Lago flooded be
With Trump inside preferably
Let insurance baulk at rebuilding
The Palace-ades of rich and famous
And let’s see what Trump really does
When Global Warming’s truly a thing
So unlike wise old King Canute
The science is no longer moot
And yes, for sure we all will suffer
Till Nature trumps the monstrous duffer…

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub,  Laura Bloomsbury in Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft invites us to write a Palinode in which two verses take contrary views and around a quotation relating to the New Year. I chose the Conor O’Callaghan one which seems almost prescient to the L.A. fires that are occurring so early in the New Year…

Adornment of a Butterfly

Meadow Argus / Photographed in Solomon Islands / Michael Sammut

Adornment to attract an amour
Sets of eyes bigger than a bird’s belly
To scare off avian appetites
And what sex is this butterfly beauty
Flamboyant female like those of our species
Or Cock of the Walk like most birds do
Or did a Creationist God get carried away
With his paintbrush in an inspired moment…

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Melissa Lemay in Poetics celebrates the photographs of Michael Sammut and invites us to write ekphrastcally using one of his photos for inspiration…


Over at dVerse Poets Pub, msjadeli in Haibun Monday, invites us to write a Burnt Haibun, a reductive poetry form that distils a longer prose poem down to a shorter one and finally to Haiku. The emboldened words below form the second poem and likewise with the second one distilled down to the haiku.

It would have been nice, given the New Year ‘n all, not to have to have written this particular piece but sadly there is no end in sight and awareness needs to be kept alive… Trying to understand/explain the conflict which this poem describes has been both an internal and external journey for me over many years and when I finally found the accounts of the term Hasbara – everything fell into place and I understood a great deal…

However – a Happy New Year to everyone at the pub!


It is hard to translate Hasbara
once it would have been called Propaganda
but for the truly unpalatable
you need a subtler, more insidious word
so hasbara, nearly enough
means explaining

You want to explain
why one people are entitled to
take the land of another people
who have lived there for
two thousand years
– hasbara
why two peoples genetically identical
are not in fact equal
paint one of them as evil with hasbara
you want to justify how large farms
can suck the water from the wells
of smaller neighbours don’t mention it
that’s no part of hasbara
but happy, sun-bronzed people
claiming their homeland with confidence
that’s hasbara.

The world attacked us
and they attacked us first
we have the right to defend ourselves
they are evilwe are good

Hasbara treads carefully
hasbara paints a picture
hasbara targets the diaspora
and the politicians where they live
hasbara accumulates
in the brains of its targets
in the corners of the internet
and on the pages of newspapers
hasbara makes lies palatable
but hasbara cannot paper over
too big a crack between
reality and the lies
genocide is too big to hide
but hasbara breeds hubris
and overreach
and years of hasbara
can deflate instantly
like a burst balloon

Explain that to the
purveyors of Hasbara

once called Propaganda
a subtler, more insidious word
means explaining

why take the land of people
who lived there for
two thousand years
why genetically identical
are not equal
– paint them as evil – hasbara
happy, sun-bronzed people
claiming their homeland
that’s hasbara.

The world  attacked us first
we have the right
they are evil – we are good
treads carefully
paints a picture
targets the diaspora
and politicians
in brains
the internet
on pages of newspapers
hasbara makes lies palatable
but genocide is too big to hide
hasbara breeds hubris
years of hasbara
like a burst balloon

Explain that to the
purveyors of Hasbara…

Hasbara explaining
they are evil – we are good
a burst balloon

Andrew Wilson, 2025

Exploring and Evaluating Generative AI Number Five – Kickback and Compromise…

It is 18 months since my last essay exploring AI back in 2023 and there have been many developments since then – certainly more and more people, from poets of my acquaintance to businesses, have explored and made use of AI in one form or another and the industry is full of startups offering AI solutions in all sorts of areas such as creating training videos in which you prime the AI with the content you want delivered and the AI concocts slides with a voiceover or even a fully imagined video trainer to articulate your training needs.

Public awareness has continued to grow, the alarm over AI taking away jobs, or taking over the world and eradicating humans is perhaps less hysterical and the debate more focused. One way in which this is happening is that writers and artists have challenged the AI companies for the currently unregulated and voracious use of their (the creatives) material in training the AI’s LLM’s or Large Language Models. These are the vast bodies of existing work, written and visual, that are fed to AI’s and from which they both learn and plagiarise when prompted to generate an image or a piece of writing “in the style of”. When I first started exploring Generative AI, these ethical battlelines were not so apparent. Still, now we must seriously consider the ethical questions raised by how we choose to use AI – especially when we reference existing artwork or literature. You may feel that the damage is already done, the genie already out of the bottle and that there is no point in bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted, but the laws need changing to protect the copywriter issues advanced by creatives and perhaps there will emerge a statute of limitations so that older work, out of copywrite is usable whilst currently, copyrighted material is either out of bounds or attracts a fee for the use of… Below is an illustration I tried and purely for experiment, I asked for it to be “in the style of” Studio Ghibli – a Japanese animation studio based in Koganei, Tokyo. The exact prompt was “Alice in Wonderland at the Court of the Red Queen in the style of studio ghibli directed by Hayao Miyazaki

As you can see, Alice is there, in a dining room sumptuous enough to be that of the Red Queen but there are no other characters present and the AI (Midjourney) has become fixated on the Fly Agaric toadstools that Alice found the hookah-smoking Caterpillar sitting on. Does this image owe much to Studi Ghibli and Director Hayao Miyazaki – it certainly could be an animation style – I don’t know his work well enough – I just saw the style in a list of things you could prompt AI with and decided to experiment – but the fact that the AI recognised the name of Studio Ghibli means that it was trained, at some point, by looking at the studio’s work…

So I have decided, for three reasons, to be more circumspect about my use of “in the style of”. Firstly out of fairness to current creatives, secondly because it remains as difficult as ever to get AI to produce the image exactly as you have in your mind’s eye, and lastly I have made less use of AI images to accompany poems – in part because the brilliance of them, not only illustrates the poem but threatens to eclipse or distract from it. However, whilst I am a competent artist in some respects, I am not an illustrator with a wide range of drawing skills and so below, I am going to show you the blend of AI-generated image elements and their combination in PhotoShop to arrive at an image I had in mind for a commissioned illustration. My friend Melissa Lemay, is launching an online journal called Collaborature to showcase collaborative poems and works of literature as well as interviews with authors – she sent me her mission statement and gave me carte blanche to produce an illustration for the launch…

My idea is to have a woman absorbed in reading a book with a “thought bubble” rising up into a night sky showing the moon, and a rocket on it’s way to the moon – all inspired by her reading…

To begin with, I decided on a black-and-white illustration with “drawn” elements combined, which made it slightly easier to achieve consistency. Firstly I wanted a young woman but drawn “in the style of” the E.H.Shepard illustration from “Now We Are Six” by A.A. Milne. – or rather, I wanted her in the pose below, which is not quite the same thing…

The results below, despite what I thought to be a very detailed prompt describing the young woman, her clothes and her pose, was not right…

Black and white line drawing of a young woman wearing a sleeveless dress with hemline just above the knee lying on her stomach elbows stretched out and head supported by hands reading a book propped up in front of her legs bent at the knee and bent upwards in the style of E.H.Shepard

Cetainly I think the style has little to do with E.H.Shepard and in the lower left picture, the young woman, far from being excited, her imagination fired by reading, has fallen asleep! I tried making variations but nothing worked any better so I then decided to try for a picture of a young girl instead and got the result below.

Black and white line drawing of a young girl wearing a sleeveless mini-dress with hemline just above the knee lying flat on her stomach head supported by hands reading a book propped up in front of her legs bent back and over her knees in the style of E.H.Shepard

Once again we have a sleeping beauty, but I decided I could accept the top left image. Next I wanted to have a thought bubble form the girl, featuring a rocket to the moon inspired in the girl’s imagination, by her reading. I was remembering the Moon face in the 1902 film A Trip to the Moon (French: Le voyage dans la lune) by pioneer film director Georges Méliès.

And so I used the prompt “Black and white line drawing of moon against a black background in the style of Georges Melies” to obtain this:-

Nothing like George Melies’ image so no qualms about using the quite straight forward “drawing-style” moon. Next to a rocket, and I have always loved the rocket (was it inspired by the German V2 rockets?) from The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé.

And so using this prompt “Black and white rocket against a dark grey background in the style of Tintin Explorers on the Moon” I obtained these images from Midjourney.

Once again, I don’t think the similarity of the rockets warrants the term plagiarism so much as “inspired by…” and I was happy to go with the bottom right image.

Now that I had all the elements, it was time to start assembling them in Adobe PhotoShop – this process is essentially like building a collage except that you can go back and work on each layer ad infinitum, resizing, adjusting the tones, cropping etc. even rearranging the order of the layers – so what hides what…

Having decided on the size and proportion of the Background, I placed the girl before adding a Gradient layer for the night sky. Then, having pasted multiple copies of the Mission Statement text, I placed a text layer in white text so that it fades out at the bottom of the picture but is readable against the black of the sky. I then brought the girl to the front again as the white letters were going over her.

The white letters looked too strong so I increased their transparency to tone them down. Next I added the thought bubbles giving them white edges to stand out and then placed the moon into the large bubble.

I could have added the rocket within the thought bubble, like the moon, but I thought it added to the portrayal of the act of imagination if it came from outside the thought bubble – as if it had come from a different bubble perhaps… Lastly, the rocket looked too static and so I added some “motion streaks” to complete the picture.

So there you have it – each element of the picture was produced by Midjourney generative AI, yet I could never have got an AI to see and conform to the design I had in mind and so I had to assemble them in the way I wanted, after the event and this is one way in which I think AI can be used to aid the graphic designer – after all, collage of existing print material is a very old tradition…

Yule Log

Attis who
killed himself
for shame because the
Goddess Cybelle forbade
him to look at anyone
other than her – but he was weak
– lay with a nymph – died beneath a pine
Cybelle brought him back to life, now faithful
– pine log
now holy…

Andrew Wilson, 2024

Attis died by castrating himself beneath a pine tree following the awful wrath of Cybelle, a Roman Goddess of Fertility whereupon she had a change of heart and brought him back to life – needless to say he did not stray again… But this myth was celebrated by Romans (strange but true) by the bearing of a Pine log through the streets – Pines now being sacred to Attis. Christianity often subsumed old festivals into itself and this is one possible origin of the Yule Log…
I wrote more about it here.

Over at dVerse Poets Pub,  Laura Bloomsbury in Meeting the Bar: Critique and Craft asks us to write an  Etheree poem about

Christmas tree(s) imagery, meanings, memories etc

or Conifer/Fir tree(s) imagery, mythology, memories etc

  • must be an unrhymed poem
  • no specific meter
  • one stanza only
  • 10 lines with no paragraphs
  • graduating from 1 to 10 syllables
  • [add lines 11 & 12 with just 2 syllables per line – my optional extra]

Thus the first line is monosyllabic; the second line has two syllables, and so on, until there’s ten syllables on the tenth line (then reverts to 2 syllables for lines 11 & 12 if you want this optional extra). The outline of your poem takes the concrete shape of a fir tree. Centre it on the page else left or right aligned it’s only half a tree! (X=syllables not words)

I Love Lucy

At five or six years old
on holiday near Swanage
we watched TV for the first time
and what we saw was
I Love Lucy
an American sit-com
my Dad was not a fan
American rubbish
he declaimed
but with a longer view
the series was quite bold
ahead of it’s time
depicting as it did
an inter-racial marriage
that might seem
commonplace today
back then caused
moral outrage
but we British children
more taken up with
the novel medium
saw nothing amiss
in the union of
the eponymous Lucy
and her husband Desi…

Andrew Wilson, 2024

Over at dVerse Poets Pub, Melissa Lemay in Uncategorized invites us to write about favourite TV shows…

The Great Wave off Kanagawa

The eponymous Great Wave
circles the centre of the woodcut
in an exaggerated piling up of water
as when two waves pass through
each other and multiply their height
and over-face themselves.

We are far out to sea off Kanagawa
as we can see once we notice
the dwarfed Mount Fuji
placed as if the wave is
about to crash down on it
spume dropping like snowflakes
onto the snowclad mountain top.
The mountain once noticed.
is made up of different curves
– those of a volcanic cone
and not these monstrous imaginings
of the Great Wave.

We can be forgiven for not noticing
a whole mountain, not least because
the same limited palette of Prussian,
Cerulean, and Sky Bue with hints of
black are used throughout
with a mushroom coloured sky
louring over the distant Fuji
camouflaging its presence
– hidden in plain sight
– even when framed by the action.

On further examination, we may realise
we have missed two fishing boats
lying flush in the curve of the troughs
between the Great Wave and its siblings
each boat crewed by ten souls
in peril on the deep
– eight clinging for dear life
in the stern of each boat and two
for some unaccountable reason
further for’ard.
Certainly these boats and fishermen
are in peril, as are all seafarers
though I am not
convinced their craft are not
designed to weather
such waves as these
shipwrights know their seas…

The Great Wave of Kanagawa
is an artist’s conceit
a representation of possible peril.
to capture the imagination
of a people who live in permanent peril
– from volcanoes, earthquakes, and
they gave us the very word tsunami
and this representation of
perfectly frozen in place peril
is the epitome of Japanese style
– an image that like few others
is known around the world
printed on bags and worn on T shirts
or simply hung on walls
from Fuji to Finland
from Tokyo to Timbuktu
a universal icon of the raw power
the peril and heedless beauty
of the sea – indeed of all of nature
before which all we
mortal men
may tremble
and do defy
at our peril…

© Andrew Wilson, 2024

It is OLN – Open Link Night over at dVerse Poets Pub which is hosted tonight by Mish. As a mini prompt she shared Katsushika Hokusai’s  “Tiger in the Snow” which may have been his final creation. But I had already written an Ekphrastic poem about Hokusai’s most famous image “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa” and it is that poem I chose to share tonight. it was written in my writing group where we considered the woodcut…